Gone But Not Forgotten
One of the hardest decisions we ever have to make at Safe Haven is the decision to say goodbye. But, we make that decision knowing that we will see everyone again one day. The brave and majestic horses on this page have crossed the rainbow bridge to greener pastures, even though we don't see them everyday they will always be in our hearts.

Dooby had a bad case of wobblers. He left us in April of 2019.

Fancy suffered from an impaction colic in Nov. 2018.

Boone was at Safe Haven for a short time. He had multiple health problems including a broken leg and ring bone. Boone crossed the rainbow bridge in 2019 and is no longer in pain.

Granny spent 13 years at Safe Haven teaching kids about horses.

Rebel was a wonderful horse that had special needs in his diet due to an injury in his throat. He lived out the last part of his life surrounded by love and kindness.

This pretty paint had kidney failure due to starvation.

Momma Pearl was over 25 years old when she passed away. She was with us for just over 2 years.

Precious was starved during her pregnancy causing her to have a still born foal. She survive foaling for just a few moments before she joined her baby girl across the rainbow bridge.

Mr. T was about 35 hours old when he left for greener pastures. Grow strong in heaven little man.

Jackpot was left in a field with 5 other horses that were not being cared for. He had been shot and his body was riddled with infections. While he will be missed we know he is no longer in pain.

Here is a letter written to Jackpot from our Board Secretary Debbie.
Dear Jackpot,
At the time of your rescue we thought we had already seen the "worst it can get". Unfortunately you showed us it could get much worse. You barely walked in, no muscles to hold you up, pain, fear, and hunger-huge hunger! You tolerated those first few days with all the medical needs: washing wounds, rain scald, injections and meds, and that hoof boot. I know you were glad when we were able to start backing off of all that. I know you did not initially have the power to object- but you found it in just a few days. So glad to see you had some fight in you. I looked into your eyes and I know you wondered what you ever did do deserve all that pain. I want you to know that you did nothing wrong. Unfortunately there are humans who just don't care. It is that simple. They just don't care!!! I am so glad that I was able to hug you, tell you that I loved you and no one would ever let you suffer again. I also looked into your eyes and saw that you had a gentle spirit. That is why it was so hard to let go and allow you to cross the Rainbow Bridge. You were only 4 years old!! Did you ever have a happy moment? It was not until that last trip to the Vet that the true extent of your cruelty was revealed. I am so sorry. I am sorry that humans never gave you a chance. I am sorry we found you to late. I know you are well now, and running in lush green pastures. I know you are not in pain. I know you now have happy moments. Please look up Rebel. I know he will be a great friend for you. One day I will also be called home, and when I stop by the Rainbow Bridge to see all my friends who went before me, I sure hope you will be there to greet me.