Educational Programs
One of the goals that Safe Haven sets for itself every year is to educate future owners in the proper care of horses. Through these programs we spread the word about what Safe Haven does and how people can help or get involved. We also set goals to continue our education so that we can provide the best services possible.
Ag Groups and Classes
Safe Haven Scholarship
Are you a High School Senior planning on pursuing a career in an animal related field? Click here for our Scholarship Program.
Every year several high school ag classes come visit Safe Haven to learn what we do, how they can help, and a little horsemanship. We tailor each program to the needs of the group visiting with us. If you would like to set up a trip for your class please contact us. Safe Haven can also come to you.

Girl Scout Day
Girl Scout Day is a huge event that we host every year. We invite Girl Scouts of all ages from all over to come spend the day at Safe Haven. The girls rotate stations learning about many different things - all while having a blast. Our record year for attendees was 182 girls. We cover topics such as feeding, grooming, safe handling, the abc's of a rescue, knot tying, and so much more. While the girls are here they get to speak with professional women in the animal care industry. We have demonstrations from an equine dentist, a K9 unit from the local police department, a farrier, and paramedics come visit so the girls can take a tour of the ambulance. For more information about this event please see our event calendar.

Rescue Training
Rescue training is never complete... Therefore, Safe Haven volunteers that are part of the Emergency Rescue Response Team take training classes every year to practice old skills, learn new ones, and to hear about new equipment along with new technology that is making the rescue world safer for everyone. Safe Haven also hosts a training class at the barn so that Law Enforcement Officers, Animal Control Officers, Fire Fighters, and First Responders can learn how to respond to animal related emergencies. For more information on this training class please see our event page. We never know when a disaster will strike but we are ready to respond when it does.